
Global Glyphosate Study – Let’s Investigate Together

€338,031 of €1 million raised

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Global Glyphosate Study

Global Glyphosate Study – Let’s Investigate Together

Donation Total: €20.00 One Time

Alongside the total amount raised through crowdfunding above, the Global Glyphosate Study has also been supported by close to EUR 1.5 Million in donations and grants outside of the crowdfunding platform.

Is Glyphosate safe for you and your family?

Let's Investigate Together

The Ramazzini Institute, with the support of other independent institutes and Universities in Europe and United States, has launched the most comprehensive study ever on glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides.

Aiming to produce independent and solid scientific evidence, the Ramazzini Institute has decided not to accept any funding for the study from the industry that produces glyphosate-based herbicides or from the organic farming or food industry – to avoid all conflicts of interest.

Do you want to know if glyphosate is safe for you and your family? If you do, you can now help fund a study that you can trust.  This is the most comprehensive independent study ever on the World’s most used herbicide, the study that you and your family deserve!

Over 27,000 members of the public in Italy donated € 300,000 to the Ramazzini Institute for the preliminary phase of the Global Glyphosate Study, which was published in May 2018.

Let’s now make this in to a global game-changing project which will provide independent data for the public, regulators and the food industry all over the World.

By sharing this project with your friends and family we have a chance of changing the way safety studies are performed on chemicals forever! THIS IS YOUR STUDY!